ECHA publishes nanoform guidance 28 days ahead of regulation implementation date
ECHA has today, 3rd of December, published two guidance documents applicable for nanoforms of chemical substances under REACH. 
Nano opinion in EUON from EU-OSHA
The EUON (European Observatory on Nanomaterials) hosted by ECHA, has a nano opinion section where EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work) published on 12 November  '
EC publishes updated Catalogue of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
The EC published a version 2 of the 'Catalogue of nanomaterials in cosmetics products placed on the market, as notified to the European Commission by Responsible Persons' on 15 November 2019
NIA Member Solvay guest column on nanomaterials in ECHA newsletter
NIA Member Solvay has written a Guest column in ECHA's latest newsletter 'Solvay’s view on new requirements for nanomaterials' published on 14 November.  Solvay has for a long time 'engaged in a proactive dialogue on nanomaterials with national authorities and European agencies to help clarify the data required for nanoforms that are placed on the...
Slides and recording avilable from ECHA REACH Nanoform webinar 12 November
On 12 November ECHA held a webinar 'Getting ready for revised REACH information requirements for nanoforms'.  The webinar and slides presented are available at the ECHA webinar page. 
Winning ways for NIA Members
NIA Members have been busy winning prizes this autumn and we are delighted to celebrate with them! Endomag (UK): Endomag won not one, but two prizes – will the winning never end? Winners at TechTrack100 for Best Management Team, headed by our very own Eric Mayes, CEO and 'Best Established Medtech Company' at the OBN Awards.
NIA launches 'Nanoplastics' terminology consultation with Members
Nanoplastics is a generic term increasingly being used to define materials that fall into the nanoscale, primarily as a result of disposal and degradation of materials from the larger scale. 
Nanomaterial discussions at CARCAL meeting 6-7 November 2019
During the CARACAL meeting 6-7 November, several topics related to nanomaterials were raised.  NIA Members will find more information in the Members Area (log in required). 
Nano-Risk Governance Portal: Introduction and Launch
caLibrate recently held a webinar to introduce caLIBRAte Nano-Risk Governance Portal - a state-of-the-art one stop shop site to support nano-risk governance The Portal will provide:
SCCS publishes revised guidance for nanomaterials in Cosmetics
At its plenary meeting 30-31 the EC SCCS (European Commission Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety) adopted its revised new 'Guidance on the safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics'. The Guidance should be used together with the general  cosmetics guidance document (currently in its 10th revision). 
Building Confidence for Risk Assessment and Governance of Nanomaterials: The caLIBRAte Project
The caLIBRAte project has established a risk risk governance framework and web-based platform to support governance of existing and emerging manufactured nanomaterials and nano-enabled products.
ECHA publishes draft CoRAP for 2020-2022 where some substances have a nanoform
EHCA published today (23 October) its 'Draft Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) update for years 2020-2022' The list contains 76 entries where 60 substances are to be evaluated in 2021 and 2022 and 14 during 2020. In the list of substances, there are no initial grounds for concern for nanoforms of substances in particular. However, there are...
EUON asks for input on future nanostudies
The European Observatory on Nanomaterials (EUON) has published an open invite for interested parties to suggest topics for upcoming studies in the area of nanomaterials that can be as a desk top study during a 3-9 month time period. The suggestions should be submitted before 15 Jaunary 2020.  EUON states: 
ECHA urges preparation to update nanomaterial information by 1 January 2020
ECHA recently provided additional information in a press release of 8 October related to nanomaterials and REACH.  From1 January 2020 additional information on nanoforms of substances will need to be provided in REACH dossiers. The amendments of the REACH Annexes for nanomaterials (nanoforms) apply to all new and existing registrations covering...
September version of ECHA Nanoform guidance published. Final version expected before end of 2019
The process to publish the 'Appendix on recommendations for nanomaterials applicable to the Guidance on Registration and Guidance on Substance ID' is moving ahead where the latest version, shared with the September meeting of CARACAL is now publicly available (September version, pdf) at the ECHA Ongoing Consultation page.
ECHA to host nanoform and REACH webinar on November 12 - Registration open
The European Chemicals Agency will host a webinar 'Revised REACH information requirements for nanoforms: are you ready?' on 12 November at 11:00 - 13:30 EET (GMT +2). 
Powdered titanium dioxide (TiO2) to be classified as carcinogen by inhalation
Following the CARACAL meeting (Competent authorities Meeting for REACH and CLP regulations) on 18 September, the European Commission will move forward with its controversial proposal to classify titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a ‘Carcinogen category 2’ for its inhalation hazard, with classification code H351 (inhalation).
EUON study finds EU regulatory framework ready for the next generation of nanomaterials
The study looked into “next generation” nanomaterials and whether the current terminology used in the EU chemicals regulations, as well as the implementation of the current legal requirements for identifying nanomaterials, are likely to pose technical challenges for these “next generation” materials.